In Episode 4, Angel & Jay cover the top ten firearms for the apocalypse; please feel free to give us your top ten guns for the end of days!
We also discussed unionizing of workers labeled "essential" & if it is the right time for unions to return & actually protect workers. Is this the right time for the workers in these aforementioned essential jobs to go on a General Strike? Will this point in history be a reawakening of radical organized labor?
We also covered a very heartwarming story out of Greece, where Anarchists delivered much needed supplies to a nursing home, stating "all we have is each other." (link below)
shout out to Sal Mayweather (@sallymayweather on twitter and instagram), who had an excellent podcast episode on his show The Agora discussing "WTF is Agorism?" this is the best podcast on the topic we have heard, and we appreciate Sal very much for being a friend of the podcast!
Big shout out to @PeterRQuinones on an excellent episode of Freeman beyond the wall podcast episode #398 with Bellamy Fitzpatrick on Green Anarchism
Youse Guys are on Twitter:
Facebook, Instagram & Twitter: @youseguyspod
our show can be found on iTunes, spotify, google podcasts, Iheartradio, and podbean.
open source music by Craig MacArthur, track name: Potato Deal